Consultation and scientific outreach for the development of the Botanical Garden and Insectarium



With: Space for Life, Montreal

Objective: Provide scientific expertise and train Espace pour la vie employees on the latest research related to nature and the environment.

Description: L’Université dans la Nature collaborated with Espace pour la vie, Canada's largest natural science museum complex, which includes the Biosphère, the Biodôme, the Insectarium, the Botanical Garden and the Rio Tinto Alcan Planetarium. As an expert, UdN provided three updated scientific journals in 2020-2021 and offered training to employees in 2022 to raise their awareness of advances in scientific research related to nature and the environment.


Informational and science-based awareness video on the impacts of nature on health


Training on the impacts of nature on health and the biophilic design approach.